Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 9 – Updates & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days has been going well. My best days are when I am able to walk in the early morning and go to the beach. It is a little over 2 miles and still a workout for me. Other days I have a tight schedule and have to fit in my walking whenever or wherever I can. I just make sure my weekly total is at least 7 miles to even it out.


The other day I was running errands all day so I would park at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the various places I went to.


As for the weight loss, that is a little tougher. I had my first weigh in on Monday and I lost one pound but I know I could have done better because I haven’t been tracking anything I eat. The only thing about walking or exercising more is that I think, “Oh, I can eat that or have a little more of this…” and defeat the whole purpose of trying to get healthier. So yeah, I need to work on that and start journaling my eating again.
Spiritual Update: I didn’t do the book discussion for Style, Sex, and Substance today. I’ll most likely post the next chapter discussion in another week or two. (You can read the last discussion here.)
Besides that, this week I’ve been trying to be more positive when chaos breaks out in the house. Usually I get frustrated and upset but I’ve been trying to take a deep breath, curtail the problem and find the humor of it all. It makes the household so much more pleasant but it is not always easy! But I’m working on it. šŸ˜‰
How about you? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)


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