Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 21): Five Minute Friday – Park


Today I am linking up with Kate for Five Minute Friday: Park.

Happy Friday! Today is Day 21 of #write31days challenge and my 31 Days of Gratitude 2016. I’ve got the three boys home today and I promised them we would finally get out the fall decor and decorate the house (since I never got beyond decorating the front porch.) However, while they are doing a quick morning clean up (the threat of no playtime until it is done is good incentive), I am going to participate in Five Minute Friday. I did my first last week and it was so much fun, here I am again. šŸ™‚

The rule is to write 5-minutes straight about the topic of the day, more specifically, as the blog states, “This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.” Okay, setting the timer and go…

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Earlier this morning I was looking through a computer file of old photos and I found one from a past trip to Disneyland Park. The boys were in the room with me and they asked if I could start from the beginning and look at the photos with me.

We went to the beginning when Bella was the only child of the family. I remember that first trip to Disneyland Park so vividly. I had so many fond memories of visiting DL with my family as a kid and a teen and I was eager to give her the same memories. As the boys and I scrolled though the photos we saw Andrew, John-Paul and Matthew as they were babies and as they got older, laughing and playing.

Sure there were also meltdown and babies that had accidents (and forgot to put the change of clothes in my backpack) but all the fun far outweighed it.

This year we will go pack to the Disney Parks when we visit my family at Thanksgiving. We thought my mom wouldn’t be able to join us after her cancer surgery over the summer but the other day, she changed her mind and said she wanted to keep up the tradition of joining us for our annual visit.

Now I’m counting down the days until I once again roam the park with my kids, laugh on rides with them and hug my mom and remember the joy I felt of being by her side on these special trips. šŸ™‚


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That was fun! And I couldn’t help but add a little collage of trips to Disneyland Park over the years. šŸ™‚

For all the great memories I have with my family (past and current) and for future memories to come, I am truly grateful. šŸ™‚

Have a great Friday! Don’t forget today is the last day to link-up for Weekly Writing in October. (If you are doing 31 Days, just add your favorite post.) The new link-up for Week 3 will be up tomorrow morning.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰


For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo2

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.







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