Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 11 – Walking & Weight Updates, Catholic Exchange Virtual 5K & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

I’m pressed for time so I am going to keep this short.

Spiritual Update

— I have been so out of sorts and grumpy lately and I knew without even looking at the calendar that it was my scheduled time for confession. I could feel the flow of confessional grace running dry so this weekend I scrubbed my soul clean. It felt so good!
— I haven’t forgotten the Wednesday Book Discussion of Style, Sex, and Substance. I simply have not had time to type out my thoughts, especially since completing my household binders took up so much of my free time.

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days continues. I’ll admit that there have been a number of days this week when the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed and walk. I either had too many things to get done that day or just didn’t feel like it. Brian would encourage me to go and get it done, so I did. On one particular morning when he had to kick my butt out the door, I tried a different trail. It was difficult for me because it was a little on the steep side. And I knew it wasn’t just me because two young, fit girls passed me and they were huffing as they were talking to one another. Heck, they are half my age and half my size so I figured I was doing okay for me. When I was done and had a relatively easy time going back down the trail, I was able to get a few shots. I love this one of the bridge I crossed.



This is Week 3 of Lose a Half-Marathon. This week I didn’t lose any weight and it’s completely due to a lack of trying. Grr.


(This logo is genius.)

Cari Donaldson, one of my favorite mom bloggers, has proposed a Catholic Exchange Virtual 5K. I know that my sis is doing it and I am thinking with all this walking, it would be nice to end my program with a virtual 5K.
Here is what Cari wrote:

We can run/walk/limp/crawl a 5K together. We’ll start training now, and on Saturday, September 29th, we’ll have the “virtual 5K”.

  • Mark out a 3.1 mile course. Design your own run- flat? hilly? on the local high school track? It’s your 5K, run it where you like.
  • Find a training program and try to stick to it. There’s lots of good couch-to-5K training plans for you, but don’t feel like you have to run this thing. The “run/walk/limp/crawl” thing is serious. Just move your body 3.1 miles at some point on September 29th.
  • Set up a finish line and get a picture of you crossing it. Send the picture to my email, and I’ll include it in the post-race blog post.
  • Print up this graphic and pin it/tape it to a white t-shirt. Viola! Free race shirt.

Read the rest of the post here.
So what do you think? Are you joining too? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)
Have a healthy week!


Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 10 – Walking & Weight Updates & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days continues. Some days I walk alone and average 2.25 miles. Other days I walk a mile with the kids and occasionally I just have to fit in walking whenever I can, instead of it being a one time event. After three weeks, I can feel my endurance getting a little stronger and I am able to go a little farther. The thought of actually jogging one day makes me hyperventilate and it seems impossible but for now I am just concentrating on this goal. One step at a time. šŸ™‚

24_beach.jpgThis morning I was going to try a different trail but I couldn’t resist the beach walk. It is physically challenging but soothing to my soul!


I had my second weigh in on Monday and I lost another pound. I haven’t really changed my eating so I think it is the walking that is doing it.
How about you? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)
Well, since this is the 4th of July, I am keeping this short. Have a great holiday!


Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 9 – Updates & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days has been going well. My best days are when I am able to walk in the early morning and go to the beach. It is a little over 2 miles and still a workout for me. Other days I have a tight schedule and have to fit in my walking whenever or wherever I can. I just make sure my weekly total is at least 7 miles to even it out.


The other day I was running errands all day so I would park at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the various places I went to.


As for the weight loss, that is a little tougher. I had my first weigh in on Monday and I lost one pound but I know I could have done better because I haven’t been tracking anything I eat. The only thing about walking or exercising more is that I think, “Oh, I can eat that or have a little more of this…” and defeat the whole purpose of trying to get healthier. So yeah, I need to work on that and start journaling my eating again.
Spiritual Update: I didn’t do the book discussion for Style, Sex, and Substance today. I’ll most likely post the next chapter discussion in another week or two. (You can read the last discussion here.)
Besides that, this week I’ve been trying to be more positive when chaos breaks out in the house. Usually I get frustrated and upset but I’ve been trying to take a deep breath, curtail the problem and find the humor of it all. It makes the household so much more pleasant but it is not always easy! But I’m working on it. šŸ˜‰
How about you? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)


7 Quick Takes (6/22/12): Kids at Mass, Diets & A Near-Death on the Beach

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

– 1 –


Let the Games Begin – I was debating whether or not to do the QT this morning because I don’t have much computer time this morning but then I saw that Jennifer timed herself when she did her QT and kept it under Ā½ an hour and she actually had real info with intelligent commentary. I am just going to ramble. I can certainly do that in 30 minutes, right? Okay, let’s go. Start time 10:29 AM.

– 2 –


Let the Children Come to Me…As Wild as They May Be – Did I ever mention that Brian has a new job? He is still in the same department at Pebble Beach but he is a supervisor now. I am so proud of him! The only family adjustment we’ve really had to make is with his new work schedule. Most days are fine but he works the late shift on Friday and has to work Saturdays. I was bummed at first but it has actually worked out well. He does get Sunday and Monday off and Mon is a great day to do our outings places are less crowded than on the weekend.
But is has meant that we change how we attend Mass. For the past few months we have split up going to Mass because JP and Matthew are at that loud and wild stage where they scream their heads off if you make them sit in one place more than 5.2 seconds. One of us would spend Mass in the garden because the yelling really carries at the Mission and there was no separate crying room/baby room/mother’s room. (Whatever they call it these days.) When Brian started working on Saturdays, I told him we should try going to Mass at the church next to his work. They have a mother’s room there and we can meet him after work and attend Mass as a family again. We’ve been going there for the last month and so far it has worked out well. I do like being together as a family again and getting the littlest ones used to being in church.
BTW, in looking online for the above picture of Jesus, I came across timely article for this take: Taming the Wild Child: Getting Your Kid to Behave at Mass.

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Girls’ Day Out – This weekend Bella is excited because we are going to go watch the movie Brave. We are looking forward to our mother-daughter day out! Thanks for watching the boys so we can go, Sweetie!

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A Date with Jack Bauer – A quick look at the time …10:42. Half way done. You know, considering that it is morning, I should have a lot more energy. I think I stayed up too late last night. Now that our regular TV shows are over we are catching up with a few older TV series on Netflix. Right now we are going through 24. How did I never get into this show before? We are half way through season 2, the one with the bomb going to go off in LA. We are on the edge of our seats! Unfortunately Brian has set a one episode a night limit whereas I would rather have a marathon and finish the series in one straight night. We differ in ways like that.

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Pass the Chocolate – I hate to say this when some of you are sweltering in the heat but yesterday it was cold and foggy so we stayed inside and baked instead. (Here on the central coast of CA, we don’t get our warm summer weather until Autumn.) I bravely let the kids made their favorite Banana Bread Muffins. It took twice as long and there was a huge mess afterwards but they loved it. Unfortunately, months back I was out of the blueberries needed for these muffins and substituted with chocolate chips. Since then Brian and the kids beg me to add the chocolate chips again, so I do. As I was watching them stir the batter I was also munching on the chocolate chips straight out of the bag. Then I remembered. Dang it. I am supposed be tracking everything I eat and not popping in food absentmindedly so I can lose my 13.1 pounds. Sigh. So how many calories in a handful of chocolate chips anyway?

– 6 –


Day 11 of #100 Miles in 100 Days

Well, today is a new day and I have been doing awesome on my diet. Granted I’ve only been awake a few hours… Actually, since Brian works the late shift today I was able to go out walking before the kids were up. This time instead of going on the walking trail by the beach I went down to the water and walked along the shore. Why have I not been doing this more often? It started me thinking about how often we take things for granted. There are so many beautiful and awesome things on our lives that we don’t fully appreciate as often as we should. Whether it is our family, our home, our health, God’s creation, our freedom, our life…sometimes I just need that reminder to stop and thank God for all his blessings and to remember those blessings when negative thoughts or a tendency to complain creeps in.

Well, after this God moment I checked my pedometer and I completed 2.5 miles. That is the longest I’ve walked so far. I was so tired but so happy! I just needed to climb back up the sandy hill to where my car was parked. I forgot how hard it is to climb up a hill of dry sand. I thought I was tired after my walk. Good heavens, I nearly had a heart attack going up that hill. Ironically, on my ipod the song “Heavy in Your Arms” by Florence and the Machine came on. I heard the lyrics “I was a heavy heart to carry, my feet dragged across the ground…” and I thought it was appropriate, seeing as my death was imminent. I thought for sure I would die right there and one of the many Carmel dogs on the beach would find me and alert their master of the dead body in the sand. Frankly, it is a miracle I survived the morning.

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Okay, ending time is 11:12. Hey, not bad. I went a little over but I had stop a few times to get Matthew off the kitchen table, change a stinky diaper, get Matthew off the coffee table, wipe a dirty behind, get Matthew off a side table, clean a spill on the floor, and get Matthew out of my kitchen drawer. Sigh.

Have a great weekend!


PS – And to be completely honest, I didn’t count the extra time it took me afterwards to correct the typos and add the pics!

#100 Miles in 100 Days 2012 – Day 9

It is Day 9 of #100milesin100days. I didn’t have the use of my car today so we had to walk here at the home, doing numerous laps. Luckily I walked two miles yesterday so it evens out. Photo of the day – my walking buddy. - mvx_2012_a.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. šŸ˜‰

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In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚