Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

February Fun: Letter Writing, Love Notes (& Free Printable) and Prayers to the Holy Family - feb_2017

February is here and in my mind, I can’t help but think of it as a month of Love, when I especially show other people that I care about them, whether it is my husband, child, a friend or a stranger in need of an act of kindness. There are a few things I like to do to share that love. Here are some of them.

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Letter Writing - letters_desk2

Ever since I was a kid, I loved writing letters and having pen pals. I would collect stationary and stickers and well, fast forward a couple decades and not much had changed.I still love stationary and collecting stickers. - letters_stickers

That’s right! There are sticker clubs for adults! Just check out Pipsticks. When you sign up, you can get an envelope of stickers to decorate your planner, bullet journal, note cards or use them as treats for your kids. It’ll make your inner 10 year old squeal . šŸ™‚

Although I love technology and always have my iPhone on me, I still love to write a love note to Brian or slip a note of encouragement to one of my kids or send a note in the mail to a friend. It may be a kindness to them but it is also beneficial to me because I love the sound and feel on pen scratching paper. It is a balm to my soul.Ā  šŸ™‚

So imagine my excitement last year when I found out that February is the International Correspondence Writing Month (known as InCoWriMo.) Participants take this pledge:

ā€œI, [insert your name], clearly see the benefits of InCoWriMo participation, not only to me personally, but also to those who will receive my correspondence. InCoWriMo is a beneficial endeavor and worthy of my full attention. I hereby pledge to hand-write and mail/deliver one letter, card, note or postcard every day during the month of February.ā€ - planner_bujo_letters_a

It was so much fun last year! Although, I have to admit that more often than not I was writing notes every three days and mailing them at once BUT I still sent out 29 notes (thanks, leap year) in February. I am joining again this year and made my bullet journal spread to mark the letters I write. If you want to know more about #InCoWriMo, visit the main site or Kara’s great round up of info. If you want to know more about writing letters in general, check out my previous post – The Joy of Letter Writing: 5 Favorite Things about Snail Mail.

Love Notes

For those who aren’t up to writing 28 pieces of mail, maybe this idea would work - love_notes_1

A couple years back when Brian came home after his cancer surgery, I really wanted to let him know all the little things I loved about him. So I made a list of 14 things I loved about him, then I made little love notes I could fill out and leave for him the 14 days before Valentines. I would leave them on his night stand, on his laptop, taped to the bathroom mirror. It was a little something to remind him each day of why I loved him. The idea went so well, I repeated it every year but instead of 14, I do the six days leading up to Valentines Day.

If you really want to kick things up a notch, you could pair these love notes with acts of kindness. For some inspiration read my previous post – 25 Acts of Kindness for Your - love_notes_2

I also wanted to do something similar for my kids so I made a different version to let them know what I love about them.

If you’d like to do the same, you can find the love notes printable for the hearts here and for the mama and baby owl here.

God Is Love

Lastly, because God is the source of all love, as a family we try to live that love out in our faith and in our prayer life. In the evening, when we sit down to eat dinner, we say grace, which includes each of us saying a prayer intention. That is followed by a litany of our family saints. (St, Joseph, St. Anne, St. Isabella, St. Andrew, St. John-Paul, St. Matthew, our baby saints Victor and Joseph, St. Michael for our military and policemen, St. Florian for our fire fighters, St. John Vianny for priests and religious, St. Gerard for pregnant moms, St. Peregrine for those fighting cancer, and St. Junipero Serra for our petitions.) Lastly, we end with an invocation that matches the Church’s monthly dedication.


Photo credit:

January was the month of the Holy Name of Jesus so our invocation was – “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” - holy_fam_1

Since February is the month of the Holy Family, we now say a simple – “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you.”

It’s a small way that we foster a love of God and our faith. In doing so, it helps us to have the right attitude in sharing that love with others around us, especially since we are six non-perfect humans living together as a family. We need all the help to be loving than we can get! šŸ˜‰

What are ways you like to show the people in your life that you care about them?

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚







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