Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

2015 Recap (Part 3): 2015 in 12 Photos & Link-up - 2015 in 12 Photos // logo_end_year_2015A3For other 2015 Recap posts:

2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year

2015 Recap (Part 2): 5 Lessons God Taught Me in 2015

2015 Recap (Part 3): 2015 in 12 Photos & Link-up

2015 Recap (Part 4): Top 10 Posts of 2015

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It’s hard to believe but it really is the last day of 2015!! To celebrate we are looking back over the year with “2015 in 12 Photos.” Normally Dwija hosts a similar link-up but she is busy making beautiful babies. I’m happy to step in and host this year. So join in and link-up so we can have a peek at your 2015. šŸ™‚ - 2015 in 12 Photos // jan_2015_car_fam_1_2015January was all about extended family! My younger brother Jake was married to his sweet bride Amanda. (And now my new niece is on the way!) I’m the oldest of nine siblings (that’s me, second to the left) and all of us were able to attend with our families, including my sis Elena who is the lone non-Californian living in Virginia. In January we also celebrated Brian being cancer free. Woohoo! However, we also were dealt a blow when Brian’s father, an active Opa in the kids’ life, had a stroke. Although he is still with us there was a mourning of losing the Opa we once knew. - 2015 in 12 Photos // feb_ocean_1_10_15WBeing a native Californian, I always feel a little bad for my snow-bound friends lamenting the drudgery of winter. In comparison, I am a wimp. I think it’s cold when I have to wear a hoodie while I take a morning walk along the beach. - 2015 in 12 Photos // fmarch_quote_obedience_faustinaWIn March we were knee deep in Lent. It’s easy to have all these grand visions of sacrifices and mortifications that will please the Lord but in reality, it is greater sacrifice for me to shut my mouth when I want to complain about all the laundry or having to wipe a dirty behind in the middle of my meal. God has been trying to tell me, these are the little things that He loves and that helps my heart to expand.Ā  I need to take a cue from Downton and let go of my will and say, “Yes, my Lord.” - 2015 in 12 Photos // april_2015_cwbncaWApril was my month of discovery. A simple weekend trip (my first alone trip in decades!) to the Catholic Women’s Blogging Conference in SoCal was a game changer for me! If you aren’t already a regular reader of the blog, get the details here. - 2015 in 12 Photos // may_2015April showers bring May flowers! There is something breathtakingly unique about seeing God’s creativity in nature. The beauty just draws you to Him. - 2015 in 12 Photos // une_IMG_6029Okay, this is technically not my June submission but I just love it so much! We are on our annual summer trip to Lake Tahoe. For the last couple of years my parents have been able to join us and it is a special time where the kids get to have their long distance grandma and grandma 24/7. I get to have my parents (I hate not living close to them!) and my kiddos and my sweet hubby all in one place (and built in babysitters for a date night.) What’s not to love?? - 2015 in 12 Photos // june_tahoe_conesWThere’s so much green and blue at Lake Tahoe but I love the light and shadows of this photo. - 2015 in 12 Photos //uly_kids_2015WThis was a quick iPhone snap after swimming lessons but it captured a bit of the each kid’s personalty. I love my little crazies. - 2015 in 12 Photos //aug_ba_bv_8_18_2015August was my birthday month and it could have been depressing since I felt officially old but instead three of my siblings came up for the weekend to visit (insert emoji hearts) and then they babysat the kids so Brian and I could go out to a fancy dinner at Pebble Beach. (Insert kissy face emoji here.) It truly was one of my best birthdays EVAH! - 2015 in 12 Photos // sept_2015In September we took our last hike at Point Lobos for awhile. Once school and the holidays starts our weekends get filled up. The view at the top of our favorite hike/walk is even more breathtaking in person. - 2015 in 12 Photos // oct_2015BOctober was the month of creativity. I participated in the 31 Days of Writing with 31 posts about Gratitude and I started the online Love Your Lettering course. Unfortunately, I had to put the course on hold after a couple weeks because I didn’t have the extra time but now that the holidays are (almost) over, I will be able to pick up my pens and pencils once again. (If you are interested, join me!) - 2015 in 12 Photos // oct_kids_2015WOkay, I am cheating again! I have two submissions for October but seriously who can’t resist mini-sized padawans, stormtroopers and a care bear. (Remember those??) šŸ˜‰ - 2015 in 12 Photos // jnov_DL__fam_2015We take two trips a year. Summer in Lake Tahoe and during Thanksgiving week we visit Disneyland with my family in SoCal. We are very busy during the year so our time together to get away is very important to us. Plus, the fact that I love all things Disney make this trip a no-brainer. (Major kudos to my hubby that puts up with my amusement park love. He’d rather be home reading a book.) šŸ˜‰ - 2015 in 12 Photos // dec_kids_11_26_15WThere was a time I thought I would never find the right husband and get married. God answered my prayer above and beyond my imagination with Brian. Then there was a time I thought I would never have a child. Along came my sweet Bella. Then there was a period of five years with two pregnancies lost in miscarriage and I thought Bella would be an only child. God’s mercy (and some medical help) changed that and boom came our three little guys in a row. This Christmas I am acutely aware of my blessings! - 2015 in 12 Photos // dec_babies_2015Can I add one more unsanctioned photo? Yeah, yeah, I know – THE RULES. But like the pirate code, it’s more like a guideline….

As I was looking through my photos, I came across this one of my sweet babies and their big eyes. How incredibly fast time goes by!! So enjoy the sweet moments of the day and hug your loved ones. As time goes by you will forget all the moments that made you want to scream and only remember the love, laughter and kisses.

Sending hugs to you, my friends. Have a very blessed 2016!!!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

20Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with a photo to represent each month of the year. (As you can tell from my post, cheating is allowed.)

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to use the graphic, here are two versions. I polled Facebook to see which was the fave but it was tied. Since I am prone to want to please everyone, you can take your pick. šŸ˜‰ Right click and save the image to your computer or copy the html into your blog’s html/text page. - 2015 in 12 Photos // logo_end_year_2015A3<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-8085″ src=”” alt=” – 2015 in 12 Photos // logo_end_year_2015A3″ width=”640″ height=”457″ /></a> - 2015 in 12 Photos // logo_end_year_2015A<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-8084″ src=”” alt=” – 2015 in 12 Photos // logo_end_year_2015A” width=”640″ height=”441″ /></a>

4. Link up below. Make sure youā€™re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address.

The link up will be active for a month. Have fun! šŸ™‚

2015 Recap (Part 2): 5 Lessons God Taught Me in 2015 - % Lessons God Taught Me in 2015 // logo_end_year_2015_lessons

For other 2015 Recap posts:

2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year

2015 Recap (Part 2): 5 Lessons God Taught Me in 2015

2015 Recap & Link-up: 2015 in 12 Photos

2015 Recap (Part 4): Top 10 Posts of 2015

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2015 has been a year of personal growth for me. 2013 and 2014 were years of survival and living with the cross of Brian’s cancer. Now that Brian is cancer free this year, God has been able to spend a little more time teaching me a few things. I’m not exactly the easiest student, being so hard headed and stubborn at times but God’s grace has always been my salvation. And I wouldn’t say that I have these lessons mastered… it’s more like I am aware and working on them.

Here are the highlights.

Ā© revolution of love blog - cwbn_quoteI Am the Daughter of a King

In April I went to my first alone trip away in decades. I drive down to SoCal to attend the Catholic Women’s Blogging Conference. I was soo excited but as the dates got closer I seriously thought I would not be able to do it since my FIL was not doing well and doubts were filling my mind about meeting friends that have only known me through the screen. What if they meet me and think I’m weird or too old or too fat or too loud or too quiet or too whatever… Normally I am happy and ready to give someone a smile and a hug but sometimes feelings of inadequacy creep in and instead of participating in a group conversation I’ll just smile and nod. My mind will want to respond with a story or something that happened to me and instead I’ll hear a voice that says, “That’s so dumb. No one wants to hear that story. It’s best you just keep quiet.” It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does I feel like an introverted extrovert. So I worried that those negative thoughts would make me spend the weekend sitting quietly in the corner.

I spent Friday meeting up with some favorite bloggers for dinner and a movie. Then on Saturday I attended the first day. I truly had a wonderful day, learned so much and loved meeting other bloggers face to face but by the evening I was not feeling well physically and doubts started creeping up on me again. After the group dinner I called it a night and went to bed.

By Sunday morning I woke up feeling better. As I was taking a shower I was thinking about all the things I had learned on Saturday. I also kept thinking about the movie we watched Friday night – Little Boy. The premise of the whole storyline was the Scripture, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

God was speaking to my heart, that I may feel as small and insignificant as a tiny mustard seed in the grand scheme of things, but when I put my faith and trust in him, when I let go of fear and choose love, joy and courage, then He can do miraculous things. I may never see them but I can trust that the Holy Spirit will take care of everything. I just need to keep myself docile in His hands.

All weekend I kept hearing the message over and over in my head, ā€œGod wants to use your voice. God desires your gifts. You have a special place in Godā€™s plan…”Ā  Tears started running down my face. As much as I mess up and despite all my shortcomings, God sees me as his beautiful daughter. He sees someone made in his image. He sees what I could accomplish if only Iā€™d let go of the chains that bind me down.Ā  It is hard to see myself like that but God is slowly peeling back the layers. He is showing me the rotten that needs to be cut out and the good that needs to be nurtured so it can bloom. It is scary as all hell but also liberating! Blessed be God. šŸ™‚

To read the full post about my weekend, visit here.

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revolution of love - tahoe_sunListen to the Holy Spirit When He Nudges You

I remember many years ago listening to a priest give a talk about the Holy Spirit. He said that the HS will often prompt us to do something, usually to help another person. Maybe something will pop into your head, such as – I should give so-and-so a call or I should offer that lady in the grocery story some help or I should tell that struggling young mom at school that despite what she may feel, she is doing an awesome job. The priest said that often these kind of things comes from the Holy Spirit. It really made me think about how we are Jesus’ hands and feet. We are the ones who are called to share his love with others.

There are many times when I get these kind of ideas in my head. My first reaction is, “Yes! That would really be a kind thing to do.” My second reaction is to think, “Yeah, but I’m kinda busy or that person is going to think I’m crazy if I go up and talk to them.” I either procrastinate so long that the opportunity is gone or I just plain chicken out. Lately, I’ve been trying to listen to this little prompts in my head. I do a quick “test” of the action. Will it cause me harm? That eliminates prompts like, “Maybe I should pick up that scary looking hitchhiker on the side of the road.” Um, no. Is it safe and doesn’t take me away from my immediate duties? For example, I think I should bring over soup to a sick friend but I have to pick up my kids from school. Instead I make plans to bring the soup after I pick them up. Other spur of the moments ideas can be done right away – like offering a word of encouragement to someone. The only thing I may harm is my pride if I am rebuffed.

For example, on Mother’s Day we were at Mass and we had the usual mothers’ blessing. All the moms were asked to stand up and after the priest blessed us the ushers went around and handed us little angel pins as a gift. I noticed that there was one older mom/grandma standing on the opposite side of the aisle from me that was mistakenly overlooked. I felt bad for her and thought that I should go over there and give her my pin. My mind answered, “Wait, what? I can’t just walk over to a stranger. She’s not going to care about some pin. That’s silly.” But the thought would not go away so as soon as the priest walked passed me during the procession, I went over to her and told her that I noticed she didn’t get a pin and I didn’t want her to think she was forgotten so please take mine. She said she didn’t want to take mine but I told her not to worry because there are more in the back of church and I’ll get another. She looked at me and smiled and then gave me a big hug and said thank you. (I’m getting teary eyed just recalling that look on her face.) It was the simplest of gestures but for that woman, it was what she needed to hear just then. So the next time you get a little prompt from the Holy Spirit, take it to heart. God may need you to be his hands and feet at that moment.

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No Matter How Long You’ve Been Married, There Is Always Something to Learn

In February I wrote a post about 15 Lessons I’ve learned over the 15 years Brian and I have been married. (Make that 16 now since it was our anniversary on Monday!) Of those 15 lessons I wrote about, this one hit home the closest.

Donā€™t expect your hubby to read your mind.Ā 

I think this is my favorite lesson learned because I needed it so bad! I had the attitude that if Brian really knew me, I shouldnā€™t have to say what was on my mind. He should just pick it up. Maybe itā€™s a female thing but I think we women are able to perceive things without words being spoken. I expect Brian to be the same way and while there are moments when he and I can look at each other and read the other personā€™ mind, when it comes to ins and outs of life, I need to spell it out. For example, when I would get mad or upset about something heā€™d try to comfort me and it only made me madder. (Yeah, my mom calls him a saint because heā€™s married to me.) I finally told him straight out, ā€œWhen I am mad, please leave me alone. Donā€™t talk to me. Donā€™t touch me. Just let me be. Then when you see that Iā€™ve cooled off, please hug me and give me your comfort. At that point, your hug makes all the world right again.ā€Ā  He said okay and started doing just that. Since then it works like a charm! Likewise, it used to be that when I was overwhelmed and needed his help, Iā€™d huff and puff and stew inside because he would not come over and help me automatically. Finally, I learned to just say, ā€œSweetheart, (or ā€œhey!ā€) I need some help. Can you (fill-in-the-blank) for me. He was always more than willing to help, I just had to ask.

To read the other 14 lessons, click here.

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How to Live A Life of Gratitude

When Blessed Is She asked me to write a post about gratitude for Thanksgiving, I was excited since I just spent October writing 31 days of posts about gratitude. I had so much to be grateful for and I wanted to share with others ways that help me to cultivate gratitude in my life.

Many of the ways are obvious but I have always struggled with being grateful when things are going wrong or when I am carrying a heavy cross. This was a lesson that God has been teaching me for awhile but it really started making sense recently. Here is a snippet of the post Living A Life of Gratitude that appeared at Blessed Is She.

God Can Take It

There will be times in life when we are carrying a cross so heavy that gratitude feels out of our reach. I experienced this when Brian had cancer two years ago. There were days when the last thing I wanted to do was to be thankful. The love of my life was undergoing surgery and chemo and thoughts of his possible death wouldnā€™t leave the back of my mind. Besides worrying about him, I had the added stress of caring for the kids and the household by myself.

There were moments when I just wanted to shake my fists at God and yell at Him for letting this happen. I remember my mom telling me to ahead and have it out with God. She said to yell into my pillow and get it out of me. Afterwards I was to pick myself up, take a deep breath and leave it at His feet because I had work to do and couldnā€™t let myself get sucked into a 24/7 pity party. I followed her advice. After I let it go and surrendered myself, God showed my heart all the moments that He was taking care of me. He showed me how family and friends pulled together to help us in countless ways. He showed me ā€œcoincidencesā€ that made our cross a little easier to carry. Suddenly I was realizing that I had so much to be grateful for. He had not abandoned me, rather, he was giving me, Brian and the kids all the things necessary to get through this crisis. (Thankfully, we got through the crisis and Brian is well now.)

To read the rest of the post, click here.

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REVOLUTION OF LOVE - goal_summer_15_dA Change in Perspective Turns the Mundane Moments into a Blessed Life

If you read my Christmas letter, then you already know this lesson. It is easy to look around and think that you aren’t accomplishing much in comparison to others or that a mom’s life is anything but glamorous. However, with a change of perspective, I can see that all those mundane moments are actually proof of what a blessed life I have.

What did this year look like?

There were countless dishes in the sink and laundry that multiplied when I was not looking. However, it meant that we had food to eat and warm clothes on our back.

There were the usual toys, markers and Legos on the floor that required Jedi like reflexes not to damage your feet when walking barefoot. However, there were also proud moments when a child showed me what he built or the picture she drew and their creativity gave me a glimpse at their burgeoning talents.

There were incredibly loud noise levels reached when all three boys (and their father) had light saber battles or played football in the hallway. However, the sound of their giggles and contagious laughter couldnā€™t help but make me smile.

There was the driving ā€“ so much driving ā€“ to and from school, picking up kids on three different school schedules and the countless after school appointments and activities. However, there were those moments when a child saw me after school and his face lit up as he ran to me with open arms yelling, ā€œMommy!ā€ It melted my heart every time.

There were meals to cook, toilets to scrub, work to be done, family to visit and deadlines to meet. However, I was paid above and beyond when a daughter placed her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder, when a father-in-law kissed my cheek and thanked me for visiting him, when a reader sent a note of thanks or when my husband told me he loved me (even when I knew I drove him crazy at times.) Those are the moments that make life seem not mundane but blessed. Those are the rewards that make my heart light and give me strength when I am tired. Those are the times when I ask God to forgive my selfishness and for taking things for granted. Thatā€™s when I ask for the grace of gratitude.

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What lessons had God taught you this year?? Do share!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year


2015 Recap (Part 1): Entertainment & Social Media Faves of the Year

2015 Recap (Part 2): 5 Lessons God Taught Me in 2015

2015 Recap (Part 3): 2015 in 12 Photos & Link-up

2015 Recap (Part 4): Top 10 Posts of 2015

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I love End of the Year recap posts that review the things we loved over the past twelve months. Today’s post is a just-for-fun post with all my entertainment faves of 2015.

PLEASE NOTE – The movies, shows or music listed here are simply things I enjoy but I am not necessarily recommending to you. Everyone has their own level of what they feel comfortable watching, especially my Catholic readers. If it doesn’t seem like something you would watch, please don’t!!

My 5 Fave Movies

Star_Wars_Episode_VII_The_Force_Awakens1.Ā  Star Wars: The Force Awakens – The movie was good but the emotions attached to it made it great.Ā 

2. Far from the Madding Crowd – I don’t know exactly why but I love this movie. It may take the long, less traveled road but a happy ending finally arrives.

3. Cinderella – It was like watching a modern day saint story showing us how to have heroic virtue with a romantic twist.

4. (Tie) American Sniper AND Avengers: Age of UltronAmerican Sniper was hard to watch but I couldn’t look away. Heart rending. I think I enjoyed Avengers because I got to see Hawkeye’s secret family life.

5. (Tie) Insurgent AND The Intern – I’m a sucker for YA movies and The Intern was a surprise hit for me. Robert DeNiro was cool even as a grandpa.

I thought for sure that Mockingjay: Part 2 was going to be on this list. In fact, I finally was going to see it tonight but the theater pulled it from the roster at the last minute and I missed the last showing. So now I have to wait until it comes out on blu-ray. Boo.


My 5 Fave Songs

If I listened to the Top 40 radio station I may have listed Uptown Funk or Shake It OffĀ  but I prefer a little alt music instead.

X Ambassadors – Renegades

Death Cab for Cutie – The Ghosts of Beverly Drive

Silversun Pickups – Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance)

Florence + The Machine – Ship To Wreck (Live on SNL)

Atlas Genius – Molecules


My 3 Fave Books

I’ll admit it. I don’t read as much as I should! I like to read in bed but more often that not I fall asleep before I can turn the first page. As such, my reading goal of 12 books was not met. I only hit 8. So in this category I am counting the top three of those eight.

book_something _other

1. Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler

2. Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan

3. Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay


My 5 Fave TV Shows

10_sherlock1. Season 3 of Sherlock Holmes (Masterpiece Mystery) – It’s Sherlock. It’s Benedict Cumberbatch. Need I say more?

2. Season 5 of Downton Abbey (Masterpiece) – Two words: Maggie Smith.

3. Daredevil (Netflix) – I think this has been my favorite of all the super hero shows on TV. Dark, thought-provoking and edge of your seat exciting.

4. (Tie) Agent Carter AND Season 2 of Blackish – I love Agent Carter‘s retro feel, ruby red lips and feminine butt-kicking. Blackish brings up some touchy subjects but the dialogue and humor can’t be beat.

5. Jessica Jones – After the first show we debated whether to continue watching or not. It is rated Mature for a reason. I would never outright recommend it because there are too many variables of what the readers of this blog consider “appropriate.” It was much darker than we anticipated, Jessica was as anti-hero as they come and there were a couple scenes we fast forwarded. However, the story completely sucked us in (thanks to David Tennant) and it caused serious binge addiction.

Honorable Mentions: FIRST – Fargo, Season 2 (Ditto everything I said about Jessica Jones.) Not as good as season 1 and more violent but once we got into it we couldn’t wait to see what happened in the next episode. SECOND – Quantico – There are moments when the show is trying too hard and gets annoying (particularly with the romantic relationships and casual sex attitude) but solving the mystery of the real terrorist makes up for it. THIRD – Hallmark Channel Movies. They are predictable and at times cheesy but I can’t NOT watch them and have seen practically every one made this year!

Social Media

Anyone that knows me knows I also love social media! I love to post, tweet and gram all over the place. Here are your faves of my contributions.

My Top 9 Instagram Posts // IG_bobbi_rol_800_2015

My Most Liked Facebook Post

cwbnca_movies#ā€Žcwbncaā€¬ Perfect way to start the weekend? With these lovely ladies – Meagan, Kendra, Emmy and Micaela.

(May 2015)

My Most Popular Pinterest Pin and Tweet - How I Use My Bullet Journal // planner_bujo_pin

What were some of your entertainment faves this year??

Come back tomorrow for my Top 5 Lessons of 2015. šŸ™‚

Blessings to you!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚

7 Quick Takes (10/23/15): Flashback Friday and Quick Take-Palooza

logo_7_quick_takes_c2The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. Itā€™s Day 23 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

When I lived near LA I used to listen to KROQ and I always loved their Flashback Fridays that highlighted hits of the past. Well, today is a Flashback Friday version of 7 Quick Takes! Kelly’s Link-toberfest over at This Ain’t the is winding down and we are going out with a bang! Kelly asked us which was our most popular Quick Take post but as I was reading through old QT’s and reliving the past I found some other favorite posts so here are my top 7 Quick Takes.

To keep up with the Flashback theme, I’ve put on my “oldies” playlist (otherwise known as songs from my youth) so grab your favorite band from the list (The Smiths, The Cure, New Order, Depeche Mode, The Clash, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, B52’s, Smashing Pumpkins, REM, No Doubt, Ocean Blue…) and crank it up. To start you off here is a video from Quick Takes 7/27/13 –Ā  ā€œThatā€™s the Impression That I Getā€ from the Mighty, Mighty Bosstones. (Never have white socks with a dark suit looked so good.)

#1 – Most Popular Post

Online Daybook & 7 Quick Takes (5/22/15): Smog Checks, New Logos & Prompts from the Holy Spirit

I was watching Far from the Madding Crowd, When Calls the Heart and listening to Empire by Monsters and Men and reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life and The Girl on the Train. I also talked about following small prompts from the Holy Spirit.


On Mother’s Day we were at Mass and we had the usual mothers’ blessing. All the moms were asked to stand up and after the priest blessed us the ushers went around and handed us little angel pins as a gift. I noticed that there was one older mom/grandma standing on the opposite side of the aisle from me that was mistakenly overlooked. I felt bad for her and thought that I should go over there and give her my pin. My mind answered, “Wait, what? I can’t just walk over to a stranger. She’s not going to care about some pin. That’s silly.” But the thought would not go away so as soon as the priest walked passed me after Mass, I went over to her and told her that I noticed she didn’t get a pin and I didn’t want her to think she was forgotten so please take mine. She said she didn’t want to take mine but I told her not to worry because there are more in the back of church and I’ll get another. She looked at me and smiled and then gave me a big hug and said thank you. (I’m getting teary eyed just recalling that look on her face.) It was the simplest of gestures but for that woman, it was what she needed to hear just then. So the next time you get a little prompt from the Holy Spirit, take it to heart. God may need you to be his hands and feet at that moment.

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#2 – Funniest Quick Takes (Even if I was the only one laughing.)

7 Quick Takes (3/2/12): Random Correspondences Edition


Dear Tourist of the Mission,

Welcome to my parish. I am so pleased to have you join us at Mass. I do not mind you sitting behind me. I will be patient with you and your children because I know how difficult it can be to keep them quiet. I am also sympathetic that sometimes little ones need bribes of cheerios and fishy crackers to sit still. However, once your kids are over toddlerhood (and in grammar school) it is best to not let them eat in Church. And it is particularly discouraged to have them eating Jack-in-the-Box tacos and fries in the pew, minutes before Mass is going to start. The least you could have done is brought extra tacos for those of us sitting around you. That taco smell is very seductive, making one crave the greasy goodness of tortillas fried around mystery meat.

The Parishioner with the Growling Stomach

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#3 – Most Drama-Queen Quick Take (aka It doesn’t seem that bad now but back then I was in tears.)

7 Quick Takes (3/16/12): The “I Thought He Was Going to Die” Version


TMI Alert – I turned my head to look back at John-Paul and saw chunks fly out of his mouth. I was covered in it, the desk chair was dripping and the desk was splattered. Immediately Matthew saw puddles of liquid to be splashed in and ran over. Luckily I was wearing a jacket over a tank top so I threw off the jacket, which had most of his lunch, and in one arm I held JP and my desk trash can, in case more was to come, and in my other arm I grabbed Matthew and ran down the long hallway to my bathroom. (See, all that walking is paying off.)

I looked in the mirror and saw vomit dripping from my cheek onto my neck. Nice. There’s nothing like the glamour of motherhood. I quickly wiped my face off then bathed JP while Matthew emptied out the contents of the bathroom drawers on the floor.

The Famous Last Words “I Only Turned for A Second” – I finished cleaning JP and then smelled Matthew’s stinky diaper. No problem, after JP’s fiasco this will be cake. Now this is where things get scary – seriously. I grabbed the phone to call the speech therapist and leave her a message that we won’t be there. I placed Matthew on the bed to be changed. As I’m leaving my message, phone cradled in my neck, I had one hand on Matthew and with the other hand I tried to grab a diaper wipe that was just… out… of… my… reach… and my wiggle worm tried to escape but headed in the wrong direction – right off the bed. He fell down and started screaming. I hang up the phone. (What a message that will be.)

Snap Out of It – I picked up Matty to comfort him and you know how a baby cries really hard then sucks in a breathe and cries even louder? Well, Mathew sucked in the air but never let it out. He just stood there then looked almost like he was going to faint. I freaked out. I thought perhaps he hit his head so hard he had brain damage. My mind traveled at warp speed – it a matter of seconds I pictured the whole scenario – me in the hospital, the doctor telling me they did everything they could, my breakdown, the funeral… I slapped myself out of it and rubbed his chest and called his name. He finally took a breath and whimpered but seemed tired out. As I debated going to the emergency room or calling 911, I quickly changed his dirty diaper. There was no time for me to change out of my vomit clothes. I’d have to bring JP with me and hope he doesn’t get sick again. In the meantime Matthew had quieted down and seemed better…

You can read the rest here but I’ll give you a hint. He lived. šŸ˜‰

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#4 – The Happiest Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes (1/30/14): Brian Comes Home, Mr. Knightly Inspires & Twue Wuv Lives

I just remember being super happy when I wrote this because Brian’s surgery went well, they got all the cancer out and he was coming home!


It’s been a loooong week. Brian went in for surgery last Friday and it has been a roller coaster ride of good moments and bad moments. However, all I can think about now is that I get to take this handsome man home tomorrow! (It’s Thurs night now so he comes home Friday.)Ā  We are ecstatic! I told the kids they could stay home from school and we are having a welcome home party instead. šŸ™‚ Woohoo!

Brian will still need to go through chemo but he can’t do anything until his body is completely healed from the surgery. (He is still in some pain and barely getting used to food again.) The doc talked to him today and said the “good news” is that his panel of 16 nodes showed cancer in only one node. It is hard to think of that as good news. But then we found out that another patient down the hall had a panel of 22 nodes examined and he had cancer in all 22 nodes. Yeah, I guess when you look at it from his perspective, Brian is lucky. The doc said Brian is strong and (comparatively) young so once he gets his strength back, he can fight and beat this.Ā  We are praying that he does!

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#5 – The Obligatory Catholic NFP Quick Take

7 Quick Takes: Memory Lane & NFP Edition


I don’t know if I want to get into this, but since it has been on my mind a lot, Quick Take # 5-7 are rolled into one. (TMI Alert: skip this take if you don’t want to read about fertility, cycles and sex, or lack of it.)

I was talking to my NFP teacher last night. She has been helping Brian and I get through a rough patch in our NFP charting. She told me to let her know how things are going in the next couple weeks and then jokingly said that maybe she could tell by the tone of my blog…but probably not seems it is usually pretty upbeat or positive or whatever the exact word was that she used. I’ve been thinking about that. The last time I wrote about NFP was a couple years after Brian and I were married. Since then I’ve had a love-hate relationship with NFP. When my cycle is “normal,” it is great but when it’s not, it’s a lot tougher.

After Matthew was born my cycle has been really crazy which has required a lot of abstinence…for weeks….and weeks…and weeks with no end in sight. I’m really struggling with being faithful to the church’s teaching and having to die to myself again and again. Normally, I would not mention something so personal and private in a public place especially since it doesn’t just involve me. (But if you are reading this now, then Brian gave me the okay to post this.)

I decided to mention this topic because over the summer Danielle Bean wrote Five Ways I Don’t Love NFP and shared about her concerns and Jennifer Fulwiler gave her take in Bad at NFP and Proud. Their words were encouraging to me and I discussed the topics they brought up with Brian. They gave us that little boost we needed to hang in there and know that there are others who love God, love their Catholic faith and are trying to be open to new life yet are struggling with some of the challenges of NFP. So if by chance you are one of those people struggling, hang in there. We’re in this together. I’ll say a prayer for you. Please say a prayer for me.

Later I’ll write a longer post about what I’ve learned about NFP over the years and what I do love about it. But right now, I am not in the right frame of mind because the only title I can think of is “NFP Sucks, but I’m Using It Anyway.” šŸ˜‰

(UPDATE: Maybe I just needed to get this off my chest. It is days later and although we are still waiting, God’s grace has increased and we are resolved to wait it out as best as we can. We are praying that it draws us closer to God and to each other in the end. I have to remember the motto I use during the difficult newborn months, “And this too shall pass.”)

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#6 – The Grossest Quick Takes (aka, Did I actually write that?)

7 Quick Takes ā€“ (12/23/11): TMI Edition

This all took place while the kids were sick with a nasty cold that seemed to take forever to clear up. Normally I am used to being sneezed on (usually right in the face while I’m talking so the germs can head straight into my mouth.) And I’ve learned to live my life as a human Kleenex. I’m not exaggerating. A kid will walk up to me and literally wipe his snot nose against my pant leg leaving a huge slime trail on my leg. Ah, the glamour if motherhood. Normally, I throw a fit shrug it off but with the food poisoning all my defenses were down and those nasty germs were going to make up for all the times I avoided them. The cold wasn’t too bad but I swear (TMI alert) the stuff coming out of my nose was straight from an alien horror movie.

Thankfully the cold didn’t last too long but the plugged up nose and pressure stuffed head wouldn’t go away. On top of it all, I lost all sense of smell. Perhaps it wasn’t a huge deal but I am big on smells. I could live without smelling the Christmas delights like fresh pine and baked goods. What troubled me is that I couldn’t smell when the toast was burning. I couldn’t smell the questionable milk to see if it was still good. Matthew wore a stinky diaper for hours because I didn’t notice he stunk until Brian came home from work and told me. And have you ever tried to shop for perfume when you can’t smell?? I was in the department store snorting a bottle of fragrance when the saleslady suspiciously asked me if I needed help. I resigned to my fate and simply picked out the prettiest looking bottle hoping it wasn’t actually gag-inducing.

Then it happened. A couple days later I woke up and heard Matthew pushing and “doing his business” in bed. As I laid in bed and waited for him to be done so I could change him, I slowly started to smell the stench. I jumped out of bed and took a big whiff of his behind. Man, I was never so excited to smell a stinky diaper in all my life. I could smell again! And the heavens rejoiced. So it seemed.

Anyway, did I really spend all seven takes talking out food poisoning, snot, and poop? Wow. Thatā€™s sad. Oh, well. Let us rejoice in the small crosses in life. Compared to what could be going wrong, that is nothing. God is good!

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# 7 – Funnest to Write Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes (3/9/12): Random but True Facts Edition


25 Useless but True Facts about Me

1. “Bobbi” is not a nickname but my actual name. I love my name and I’m happy I was named after my dad. (Thanks for not naming me Roberta, mom and dad.)
2. When I was in preschool my finger got caught in wheel spokes and as a result I have a crooked right pinky with a broken nail.
3. As a kid, I loved desk items and school supplies and always wanted to be a writer. (Office supply stores still make me giddy.)
4. As a kid, I loved playing school, bank, store and carnival with my brothers and sisters. (Now I avoid going to schools & banks and live in a carnival-like house of four kids. Unfortunately for my pocketbook, I never outgrow the love of shopping.)
5. I am the oldest of nine kids. (So having four kids is really only a medium sized family.)

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6. I used to have a pair of cool blue tennis shoes-roller skates.
7. My mom often told me I was a drama queen. (Sooo exaggerated.)
8. In school I was always the peacemaker who tried to bring arguing friends together. (I believe in the Rodney King mantra, “Can’t we all just get along.”)
9. I have no affection for cats whatsoever. (I just heard a unison of gasps. Sorry.)
10. I once dated a guy who turned into a stalker-crazy boyfriend.

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11. I loved my converse and doc martin shoes. (I traded in my docs for flats but I still have some brown converse.)
12. For a time, I was a sucker for guys with bald heads, tattoos and eyebrow rings yet I fell in love with a guy as clean cut as they come.
13. When I am stressed out I play a game of spider solitaire and listen to New Order.
14. I am incredibly nosey and always have to know what’s going on.

15. When I was younger I thought it was pathetic when people in their 30’s & 40’s went to concerts of bands from their youth. I have officially become pathetic because if there was a reunion tour in my town of the cure, the smiths, new order, depeche mode or psychedelic furs, I’d be running out the door I’d consider going.
16. I can’t sew a stitch. When I was younger, I once hemmed my pants with duct tape. (And I vaguely remember “sewing” a dress for my doll with a stapler.)
17. I was seriously discerning a religious vocation two years before meeting my spouse.
18. My husband discerned he wasn’t called to the priesthood. The day he left the seminary he started a novena to find a wife. On the last day of the novena he “met” me online. (Funny that Brian’s prayers were answered immediately while I had to wait years.)ba_bv_wed_2W
19. I feel absolutely and completely blessed to be married to the best man I have ever known. He has a certain look that can still make my heart skip a beat. (Swoon.)
20. My greatest treasures are my four kids – Bella, Andrew, John-Paul & Matthew. (Sometimes I just need a break in order to appreciate that fact!)
21. I have made a lot of incredibly stupid mistakes in my life but God has used them all to teach me a lesson and make me stronger and more understanding of other people’s weaknesses.
22. I can easily be moved to tears – both happy and sad. Hankie_2

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23. When I laugh my eyes water and I always bring a handkerchief to the movies when I see a funny movie…or sad one. (A real handkerchief. It is very Downton Abbey of me.)
24. I hate being mad at someone and I am eager to make up.
25. The three things I am most grateful for are my life, my family, and God’s love & mercy.

Okay, that was a huge post but I had fun looking back and laughing at my weirdness and thanking God for his goodness. I’ve truly been blessed and love being able to share a little bit of my life with you. So tonight I am thankful for you being here with me over years. I’m thankful for the shared laughs and for the offered prayers when things were rough. It means a lot to me. Thank you. xoxo

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

2014 Year in Review with Favorite Posts

I was supposed to post this yesterday but life happened and I never got a chance. New year, same story. šŸ™‚ I don’t mind really. I have been having such fun looking back at all the posts I made this year and rereading my thoughts over the past months. God has brought us a long way and we are all still alive and well to talk about it.

This post is really for myself. I wanted to be able to see at a glance what I wrote about in 2014 and arranging the top posts and other highlights of each month makes it easier to look back in years to come. And if someone happens to want to click back on something here that interests them, well, that’s just cake. So sit back and relax and when you’re done you can join me on the couch to watch the rose parade with a cup of hot chocolate. Happy new year! šŸ™‚

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January set the tone of the year as we dealt with Brian’s cancer, his surgery to remove it and the chemo that was to come for the next six months. My thoughts were captured in these posts:

A Top Ten Popular Post

The Most Viewed Recipe Post

Which happens to be in the slow cooker as I am typing this…

slow cooker lentil soup with kale

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup with Kale (Yum!)

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February was the month of my …

#1 Most Viewed Post

A Look at My 2014 Planner

In February I also…

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In March, I posted a…

Top Ten Popular Post

Lenten Ideas 2014 – Bringing Lent Home

In March I also…

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In April I posted a…

Top Ten Popular Post

Online Daybook (4/21/14): Easter, Family & Carrying Crosses

In April I also…

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In May I posted a…

#1 Most Commented Post/ Top Ten Popular Post

If you don’t read the whole post, I sum it up in the last paragraph:

We’d be a lot happier if we stopped comparing ourselves to each other and accept that we’re all in this together and each of us reflects the love of God to the world. Like flowers in a garden, some of us are delicate roses and others are are robust sunflowers. Some are perky daisies and others are shy violets. Regardless, we are are all reflections of God’s beautify and creativity. Embrace your abilities as a mom. Work on the areas you need improvement with the confidence that God will give you all grace and tools you need. Support your fellow sisters in this difficult yet incredibly important job of raising our families because despite what you may think, you’re a really good mom! šŸ™‚

You can read the whole thing here – Despite What You May Think… You Are a Good Mom.

In May I also…

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In June I posted two top ten popular posts:

Top Ten Popular Post

Online Daybook (6/2/14): Family Walks, Menus and Praying over a Dirty Toilet


A Collection of Link-Ups for Every Day of the Week

In June I also…

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In July I…

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In August I posted a…

Top Ten Popular Post

August 2014 Goals

In August I also…

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In September I…

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In October I…

Kicked blogging butt by posting 31 days in a row! (Well, pretty darn close to it!)

31 Days of Gratitude Homepage

In October I also…

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In November I…

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In December I wrote a…

Top Ten Popular Postrevolution of love blog - advent_logo

Favorite Advent Traditions: Keeping Christ in Christmas

In December I also…

That was a fun look back. šŸ™‚ I hope you and your family have a blessed, holy and joy filled new year!! xoxo

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. šŸ˜‰