Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

2017 Goal Setting Series: Part 3

I am working on Lara Casey’s 2017 Goal Setting Series. Here is my reflection of Part 3 of 5. - goals_2017-series_part_3

Step 7: What things fire you up?

I looked over the good things that happened this year. I thought about the things in my life that get me excited, bring me peace and put a smile on my face. I jotted down all these things in my bullet journal. - goals_jan_2017_g

There were many things including big stuff like God’s mercy and love, family, nature, creativity, kindness and little things like my kids giggles and playfulness, road trips, movies and stationary.

Step 8: Write a list of what you are saying YES to in 2017 and what you are saying NO to.

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I am saying NO to…

  • Stressing over the small stuff.
  • Overspending.
  • Taking poor care of self
  • Too much screen time.
  • Negative thoughts and situations.
  • Clutter.
  • Being “too busy” to pray.
  • Not being grateful.

I am saying YES to…

  • Family time.
  • Being out in nature,
  • Quiet prayer with God.
  • Scripture and the rosary.
  • Acts of kindness.
  • Keeping.
  • Simplifying.
  • Time with friends.
  • More play with kids.
  • Trusting God.
  • Enjoying small things.
  • Creativity.
  • Affection and comfort.
  • Being grateful even when things go wrong.

I especially love Lara’s advice about making decisions. She said:

I came up with a little check-in to help me evaluate whether or not purchases, projects, or potential commitments on my calendar are worth saying yes to:

1. Have I prayed about it?
2. Does it honor or help other people draw closer to God?
3. Is it life-giving?

I love that! I will use is in the future.


Step 9: Pick a word for 2017

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After looking over the areas I want to work on, one word kept coming back to mind – Simplify. The synonyms of simplify was hitting all the right marks – reduce, streamline, order, clean up, and get down to basics.

Getting back to basics was just what God was trying to teach me in regards to prayer towards the end of the year. I wrote a post in October and said:

I was in a small group discussion and we were talking about prayer in our personal life. I was quietly thinking about it when suddenly my mind turned to the print I received. Our Lord (interiorly) spoke to my heart  saying, “Do you know why you received that print? Because you need to get back to the basics. Sometimes you get so caught up in the distractions that you lose the essence of prayer. You need to get back to Me and you.  Just be with Me.”

So whether it be decluttering my house, working on the budget or my prayer life, I’ll be remembering to simplify and get back to basics.

I’ll post Part 4 tomorrow (hopefully.) 😉 See you then!

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