Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

October 2015 Goals (& A Review of My September Goals) & 31 Days of Gratitude 2015 (Day 9) - October 2015 Goals (logo_oct_goals)The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 9 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

Last year, I started to get into the habit of making goals.The idea was a little foreign to me. It was something I associated with business men or entrepreneurial women.Β  Not something a stay at home mom and part time blogger would do. But now I am so grateful to those who inspired me to set goals and for Laura Casey’s Powersheets that helped me define what those goals should be in my life. I have seen real progress over the last year and in this season of life I have more free time to explore some of the projects I had to put on the back burner when I had babies and toddlers in the house. So for my progress, for my extra time and for the grace of God that helps me put in the effort, I am truly grateful. πŸ™‚

Last month I shared with you my September goals and now it is time to review those goals and make new ones for October.

My main big goals do not change but my mini-goals change depending on the areas I need to work on the most.Β  So here is a summary of my progress and my mini goals for October.

* * * - goal_daughterMain Goal #1: To always have God at the center of my life and to deepen my love for Him. I want his will to be my will and motivation.

September Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Continue with the 15 minutes of prayer in the morning until it becomes second nature. – I have been doing well at keeping my morning devotional time, although it still does not come easy. I have to “force” myself to stop and spend quiet time with God before I tackle my To Do list.
  • Print out and memorize the “Come Holy Spirit” Prayer. – Yes, I printed it out and made it into a bookmarker and printable, which you can download here. It really helped in learning it. πŸ™‚
  • Re-focus on my phrase of the year Be Still by finishing the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life. – Nope didn’t happen. I have hardly read anything at all. Ugh. Althoug, I did try to BE STILL during my devotional time so that was good.

October Mini-Goals

  • Continue with the 15 minutes of prayer in the morning until it becomes second nature.
  • Substitute a half-hour (or so) of watching TV or listening to music with something of greater substance, like listening to an uplifting podcast or reading a devotional/ spiritual book.
  • Get away from the regular routine for a bit and go to the chapel for prayer and confession.


* * * - goal_wifeMain Goal #2: To be a loving and holy wife to Brian and to work at keeping our marriage strong, to nurture our friendship and spend time alone to reconnect.

September Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Continue to plan weekly date nights and monthly out of the house dates. – Going well. We have an out of house date planned for this weekend. πŸ™‚
  • Continue to work on having the home picked up and my attitude in check so Brian comes home to respite and not chaos. – Mostly good. There were a few days when I was a volcanic mess about to erupt but that wasn’t the norm.
  • When Brian gets me upset, still treat him with respect and not like he is another one of my kids. – Hmm…I think I have been better. I’d have to ask Brian (or maybe the kids) for an honest review.) πŸ˜‰

October Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Continue to plan weekly date nights and monthly out of the house dates.
  • Make a conscious effort to thank Brian more when he does something for me or the kids and not just take it for granted.
  • Let Brian help me out when he offers and stop acting like he can’t do it the way I would do it. Let him have his own way of doing things. (I’ll tell you right now, that one is going to be tough!)

* * * - goal_motherMain Goal #3: To be a good mother that loves her kids and spends time with them and is not always “too busy.” I want to teach them about their faith and how to love and serve God in their young lives.

September Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Revise the kids chore charts now that school is back in session. – Done. For the most part they have been doing a great job at pitching in and doing their chores, even though some unnamed kiddo may give the a drama queen a run for her money during chore time.
  • Do what dinner prep I can in the early afternoon so I can spend an hour in the late afternoon helping the kids with their homework. – This still needs serious work. The busy afternoons of multiple school pick ups, driving to and from appointments and practices, getting chores done, homework started and dinner on the table is the toughest part of the day. I definitely need to work on this more.
  • Incorporate three feast days into the family life to help the kids better appreciate the fullness of the faith. This month it will be Mary’s birthday on the 8th, the feast day of St. Matthew on the 21st and feast of the Archangels on the 29th. (This one may be a little ambition but I’m going to add it anyway.) – I think this is the goal I am most excited about! Our evening before bed time is almost as hectic as our afternoon time but on Mary’s feast day I wanted to start evening family prayer time. I thought we could have a little time for prayer, intentions and say a decade of the rosary. It went so well, we did it the following night and the night after that and every night since. It is the perfect way to end the kids’ day and for Brian and I to start our evening. I’ll share more about it on a separate post next week. πŸ™‚

October Mini-Goals

  • Continue to work on doing what dinner prep I can in the early afternoon so I can spend an hour in the late afternoon helping the kids with their homework.
  • Get the boys involved in Just Run at school and take walks as a family on the weekend.

* * * - goal_homemakerMain Goal #4: To bring order into our home so I am not stressed out by the mess and chaos. When things are organized our family life runs smoother and there is more peace.

September Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Fill in my new planner for Sept 2015 – Aug 16. – Done and done, baby. I share my planner here.
  • Spend some time in the evening working on Mystie’s course Simplified Organization. – I actually put that course on hold to take Mystie’s other course Work the Plan. It had to do with working on goals and how to make those goals happen in a way that suits your family. That is what I have already been working on here and I’d love more direction and tips. I started it at the end of September so this will be ongoing for awhile.

October Mini-Goals

  • I’ve been slacking on my meal planning and going to the store too often so back to weekly meal plans on Sunday.
  • Spend time on the weekends with Mystie’s Work the Plan course. I have a full calendar in October so the weekends will be the only times I can have a little extra time for this.


* * * - goal_womanMain Goal #5 – To take care of myself physically, spiritually and mentally so I can be a happy and healthy wife, mother and friend. Taking care of myself mentally also means challenging myself to come out of my comfort zone and facing my fears and trying new things.

September Mini-Goals Reviewed

  • Track my eating. – Big fat NO. Grr.
  • Plan a blogging schedule. – This is still a work in progress.
  • Spend a few minutes a day just writing and getting thoughts down on paper. It doesn’t have to be for a post but just to keep the process flowing. Use the Listers Gotta List challenge for inspiration. – For the most part, yes.
  • Record more scopes on Periscope. – I never got to this.

October Mini-Goals

  • Once summer is over I tend to drink less so this month more H2O and take my vitamins. (So easy to do yet I always forget!)
  • Complete the #write31days blogging challenge and write a post each day on my topic – 31 Days of Gratitude.
  • Complete the Lisa’s online class #LoveYourLetteringΒ  about how to love your own handwriting and learn the basics of hand lettering. (I started here.)

Okay, I think those are all doable but if I get even half done I’d be happy. πŸ˜‰

What about you? What is the one thing that you really want to work on this month?

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Periscope/Katch, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.


31 Days of Gratitude (Day 8): On This Date 16 Years Ago… - 31 Days of Gratitude 2015logo_31_days15_B_500The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 8 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

* * * - 31 Days of Gratitude  (31_days15_day8)

On this day sixteen years ago, I drove to the Ontario, CA airport and waited impatiently for Brian’s flight to come in from Monterey. Living over 400 miles apart from each other had been trying, to say the least, but today I was filled with excitement, anticipation and a little nervousness. This was the weekend Brian was going to officially propose to me. It may seem unromantic that we had to “plan” our engagement since we were so far from one another but I couldn’t care less. I just wanted to be engaged to the man I loved and I didn’t care about convention.

As I saw Brian walk over to me, I ran to him and melted in his arms. All was right with the world once again. We stopped to get a bite to eat (I still have the Claim Jumper receipt in my scrapbook) πŸ˜‰ and talked excitedly. The original plan was to wait until Saturday. Brian wanted to ask my parents for my hand (so sweet) and then we’d go off by ourselves. But the more we talked, the more we couldn’t even wait until the next day. The evening had passed quickly and he asked me if my parents would still be up when we got to my house. I decided to give them a call from the restaurant. (These were the olden days when we didn’t have cell phones. I had to find a pay phone. Crazy.) I called my mom and she assured me that she and my dad would be up when we got there so we grabbed out To Go boxes and headed out the - (ba_bv_first_meet_99)

(Brian and I met online. This is when we first met in person.)

Brian was nervous to talk to my parents but I told him to relax since they loved him. (Heck, I think my mom was ready to get down on one knee and beg him to marry me. She loved the guy!!) We got to my house and after hugs and pleasantries were exchanged we sat down at the kitchen table and Brian made his little speech. Tears flowed and more hugs were given until Brian and I stepped outside into the backyard. It was a cool and starry night and Brian held my hand and walked me over to a little section of trees. He knelt down on one knee and started to tell me how much he loved me and wanted to be with me forever. He said he couldn’t promise me an easy life but he promised to always be faithful to me, to love me and do all he could to help me and our future children live a life with God’s kingdom as our goal.

My heart was so full of emotion (I’m crying again just reliving it) I could barely comprehend everything that he was saying to me. Thank God, the writer in him actually penned all the words of his proposal. Later he was going to throw away his scraps of paper but I begged him to let me keep them in my scrapbook for days like today, when I want to look back and remember the words of love he spoke to me.

Revolution of Love Blog - qt_bday_2015_cWBrian’s right. It hasn’t always been easy but what life ever is? Sure, the years of infertility, miscarriages and more recently Brian’s cancer, his father’s stroke and the daily stress of family life were crosses we had to (or are working to) overcome. However, all the small (and big) moments of love and laughter that we share together overshadow and dwarf the hard times.They are not what first comes to mind when I think about our life together.

For all these moments, the good and the bad, over the last sixteen years I am grateful because they filled me with love and strengthened my faith. For the man who always seems to be giving, I am most grateful. To God, who gave me such a blessing, “thank you” seems inadequate but my heart is too full to say more…


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰


31 Days of Gratitude 2015 (Day 7): Waves of Love - 31 Days of Gratitude 2015logo_31_days15_B_500The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 7 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

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(Since yesterday’s planner post took so long to do, today and tomorrow’s post will be short and sweet. πŸ™‚ ) (31_days15_day7)It’s been a busy week and I haven’t been able to go out walking on one of my favorite ocean trails but today I made sure I got a chance to walk after I dropped the kids off at school. When I am out in nature I am filled with gratitude that I live in an area that is so filled with God’s beauty.

My mind was filled with concern about the troubles in the word, crosses friends are carrying and my own personal intentions but as I looked out at the ocean as far as the eye could see, it reminded me of how tiny I am and how much greater God is. I don’t need to stress or try to figure everything out. Instead, I just need to surrender all to God and trust that he will guide me to know what small part I can play in helping out those around me. For that, I am truly thankful.

What are you especially thankful for today?

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰


Pinterest Party & Link-up (vol 40): Planner Edition – A Look at My (Erin Condren) Planner

The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 6 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015. Second, it is the first Tuesday of the month so today is our Pinterest Party – Planner’s Edition! - Pinterest Party & Link-up - Planner Edition(logo_pinterest_party_planner)

Join me for a Pinterest Party every first Tuesday of the month as we link up and pin it, create it, and inspire others to do the same. Recipes and crafty ideas are encouraged but think outside the box too. Think organizing ideas, birthday themes, a cute outfit, a new hairstyle, marriage tips, life inspiration, traveling destinations, a great quote – anything you’d post to Pinterest.

Show us how you didn’t just pin it but brought it to life!

Not on Pinterest? No problem. Link-up your own creation to inspire us so we can pin in to our own boards. Don’t have a post ready? The link-up will be open for a month so there’s still time. Plus, feel free to link up a new post or an older post that hasn’t had much traffic lately. πŸ™‚ (If you want to grab the button, scroll to the bottom.)

This month is a special Pinterest Party because it is the PLANNER EDITION! Whether you are a planner addict (raises hand) or a newbie just starting to plan, we want to hear from you! If you are a blogger, add the link to your planner post. If you aren’t a blogger let us know in the comments what kind of planner you are using and what you love most about it. πŸ™‚

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Here is a look at my planner… - A look at my EC Planner (2015-16)(logo_planner_16_A)Maybe it is because I am getting older but I have been thinking a lot about how precious our time on earth is and how quickly the days can escape us. The busyness of family life can make it easy for days, weeks, even months fly by and we find ourselves asking, “How is it already a new month??” The hours of my life are precious. I can show my gratitude for each new day by using those hours wisely.

That is not always easy for me to do. I am often guilty of wasting too much time. I am all for having down time, play time and me-time but I want to make sure I am getting all my priorities done first and not letting them fall through the cracks while I get sucked into a rabbit hole of social media or Netflix binging.

One way I combat this is through my planner. If you know me, then you also know that I love making lists and if I don’t write it down, I won’t remember it five minutes later. Literally.

In 2013,Β  I was using a Martha Steward Discbound planner (which is sadly no longer available for purchase) and I loved everything about it except that it was too big to carry around with me everywhere. Because I spend a lot of time out of the house, I needed something that was more portable.

In 2014, I switched to a new Erin Condren planner. I thought I would hate a spiral planner since I couldn’t add to it the same way as a binder or discbound but it has not been a problem at all. I loved the layout and portability so much that this is my second year with an Erin Condren Life Planner.

I prefer my planners to run like the school year from September to August so in September I set up my new planner. (It was like Christmas for me.) πŸ˜‰

I love that EC Planners come with removable covers and I can change them according to season (or my mood.) Last year I had the Favorite Things cover. - A Look at My EC Planner (planner_16_l)This year I went with the “life in little squares” cover using some of my favorite Instagram photos.

Another draw of the EC Planners is all the colors. I don’t like planners with plain black and white pages. I like bright colors that make me want to actually use the planner.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_B)In my monthly spread, I use washi tape to make color coded small squares. Blue are doctor appointments and speech therapy. Green is school related. Red is an event I need to attend or drive the kids to. Orange is a family birthday.

I write the definite items in ink and possible dates and notes in pencil. However, one thing I did not like about using markers or pens is that if I made a mistake, I couldn’t erase it like a pencil. Well, until now! I finally found a solution but I’ll get into that in a bit when I talk about favorite tools.

The weekly page is where people can really go to town to decorate and fill the boxes with all sorts of decor. Me? I seriously just need a space for my To Do lists. It probably looks a little more like a bullet journal but it works for me.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_cThis is how the weekly page looked last year. The three boxes were labeled as Morning, Day and Night.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_c2)(planner_16_c2)This year the calendar is still divided up into three sections but it is no longer labeled as – Morning, Day and Night. Instead it is blank, which I love since my top box is for places I have to be that day. The middle box is for things I really need to try and do that day. The last box is for things I should do but it’s okay if I wait until later.

This year you also have the option of ordering a planner with your days going horizontally instead of vertically.

The new EC planners also no longer have that little circle decor going down the side or the mini calendar in the top left corner (which I never really used) and instead it is a spot for your own weekly quote of inspiration. I use a little washi and a sticker or two for decor and that is enough for me.

In the last bottom section I keep track of my dinner menu and posts that I will publish on the blog that day. The right side column is for goals and notes.

Other differences from last year’s layout:

There is no longer a quote at the top of each monthly calendar. Instead there is a lined sheet for notes and a full inspirational quote page at the beginning of each month.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_c2) (planner_16_f)Hey, that’s pretty darn close to my blog’s tag line! πŸ˜‰

The front of the planner also has a new goal section, which I love.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_c2) (planner_16_d)As readers of my blog know, for the last year I have been really big on making goals. I have my larger yearly goals and smaller monthly goals that help me make progress in smaller steps. I added into my planner my yearly goals in the 5 areas of my beingΒ  – as a Daughter of God, a Wife, a Mom, a Homemaker and a Woman. The sixth box has one of my favorite quotes. “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” – St. Catherine of Sienna.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_c2)(planner_16_e) I wanted to put my monthly goals on the second page but there was only the one sheet of paper. So I made a color copy and added it to my planner with EC coil clips. This way, each month I can add my smaller monthly goals to my planner. That is so helpful to me.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_c2)The back of the planner still has lined, decorative blank (and now) graph pages.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_g)The one thing I don’t like is that there are less pages than there were in last year’s version. Yet, the spiral ring is larger. It’s not so much larger that it is a deal breaker but I would have liked more sheets to go with it. On the plus side, the larger (and sturdy) spiral let’s you add more of your own sheets with the coils

These two photos are from last year’s model but they are basically the same.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_hA Look Ahead calendar.

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_iStickers – both pre-labeled and blank.
RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_i-)There is still a pocket for papers, a perpetual calendar to keep the dates of birthdays and dates to remember and a few free goodies in a pocketed pouch.
RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_k)As an extra, I purchased a pen loop and a separate tablet that sticks to the back of the planner. I use these for notes to school or my own scribblings.

I also had an EC gift card so I added a couple extra items.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_m)Post-it notes that pop into the planner. (I love me some post its!)

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_n)Coil clips to add your own pages to the planner and decorative stickers.

Favorite Planner Tools

Revolution of - A Look at My EC Planner (planner_16_r) The green is the thicker line (I don’t know the exact size since the description isn’t in English. The pink line is .7 thick.

Erasable Markers

As I already mentioned, my new favorite planner tool are these erasable markers/pens. I first saw these markers on a Periscope by Tina of Zoo Cuties. At first I bought the smaller Pilot Frixion Colors Erasable Marker – 12 Color set because they were less expensive and I wasn’t sure if I would like them or not. I kept envisioning those erasable ball point pens that were popular when I was in grade school – the were smudgy and made a mess. However, these Frixion pens did not smudge at all. The only way they erases is with the special eraser at the top of the pen or you could purchase an eraser separately.

I loved the pens but I didn’t check the size and they wrote a little thick for the small boxes of the calendar. I went back to Amazon and purchased the Pilot Frixion Erasable Gel Ink Pens, 0.7mm, Assorted Colors, 24/Pack. Although it was more expensive I knew it would be worth it because they were exactly what I was looking for.

The next time I place an Amazon order I’m going to get the Pilot Frixion Ball Knock 4-Color Gel Ink Multi-Pen for my purse or to hook onto my planner. πŸ˜‰


Photo Credit: Tiny Saints

There are tons of charms and elastic bands you can get for your planner. Someone asked me where I got the St. Anne charm on my planner. It is from Tiny Saints. Since St. Anne is my patron saint (for non-Catholics, that’s basically someone in heaven I especially like to ask to pray for me), the patron of moms and my middle name namesake, I thought it only fitting.Β  There are lots of other saint charms to choose from as well.

RevolutionofLove,com - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_o)Planning Tote

During the day if I am not within reach of my planner then I’ll write a note on my iPhone (which is usually in my pocket.) A lot of people like to review their planners in the morning but I am a night owl and prefer to review my planner the night before each day. That is when I’ll write down any notes from my phone into my master paper planner.

Some people like to just keep a digital planner and always have it with them on their phone. I tried that but I am a paper girl. I need to feel the physical touch of pen and paper. It’s what works for me.

To hold all key planning supplies, I use this cute little square tote I found at the Target dollar section for $3. I went back later to get another but they were sold out. I’m glad I at least got this one. In the evening I grab it along with my LapDesk (similar to this one) and sit on the couch with Brian after the kids go to bed. He’ll read a little while I update my planner then we’ll watch a movie or TV show. It helps me unwind and regroup for the next day.

Washi Storage

planner_16_sI have 5 rolls of washi that I use all the time in my planner tote (and duplicates in my traveling office). For all my other rolls of washi, I found this flat 12 x 12 cardboard box at Michael’s. - A Look at my EC Planner (planner_16_q)I cut empty paper towel tubes in half and lined up the washi on top to keep them from rolling around. It may not be glamorous but it works great.

Oldies but Goodies

Revolution of Love Blog -planner_2015_mLastly, I still use my EC planner pouch. (Pictured here with last years planner.)

Along with my planner I am still using my traveling office. πŸ™‚

Other Planner Option

I’ve been using the Erin Condren planner for two years now and I still love it but that’s just me. There are so many styles to choose from.

Create 365 Happy Planner

If you like the style of the Erin Condren but it’s out of your budget, then try a Plumb Planner or a Create 365 Happy Planner.

medium_monthly_plannerPhoto Credit:

Or maybe all this planner decor and colors is overload to your sense and you like your planner to be streamlined. My sister BCM (who for years was the clean Felix to my very messy Oscar) likes her planners plain and simple. She purchased the Medium Monthly Planner from MochiThings. It suits her perfectly and is beautiful in its simplicity. - A Look at my EC planner(planner_16_p) Traveler’s notebooks are also really popular right now. It wouldn’t work as my everyday planner but I love it for my Simplified Organization brain dumpsΒ  and for some Listers Gotta List fun and favorite memories of the month.

I’ll have to make a separate post about my traveler’s notebook . πŸ˜‰

My 2014 discbound planner.

If you like full size pages, try a discbound (like Arc) from Staples and print off your own planner printables. There are tons of free planners and really cute ones to purchase on etsy and elsewhere. Browse Pinterest and find your faves. (If you make and sell planners leave a link of your shop in the comments so we can check it out.)

* * * - A Look at my EC Planner and planning tools. (planner_16_collage)In the end, whether it is an Erin Condren planner or a 99 cent notebook from Target, find something that inspires you, matches your current needs and is in your budget. Then have fun planning (and doing!) πŸ˜‰

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What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married Series - for

I’m linking up this post with the sweet Jess and Kate over at Sweet Little Ones for this week’s Tuesday Talk. πŸ™‚ Go check out their blog. There’s plenty of good stuff to read!

Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose your creation or inspiration, share about it and snap a photo if you can.

2. In your post, link back the original blogger/idea, rather than your Pinterest pin. That way credit goes to the proper person. πŸ™‚ (But feel free to add your Pinterest profile link so we can follow you!)

3. Add a link back here so others can play along.

4. If you want to use it, here is the html code for the logo:

<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-6848″ src=”” alt=”pinterest_logo_new_640″ width=”500″ height=”397″ /></a>

5. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address.

Want to find me on Pinterest? I’m here –

The link up will be active for a month. Have fun!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

31 Days of Gratitude 2015 (Day 5): Family Time - 31 Days of Gratitude 2015logo_31_days15_B_500The 31 Day of Writing Challenge continues. It’s Day 5 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2015.

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Happy Monday! Well, it did not start out so happy. I did not sleep well last night and I forgot to set my alarm last night (I turned it off over the weekend.)Β  I woke up two minutes before the kids had to be up. Normally, I get up an hour the before the kids so I can ease myself into the morning. (“I am such a morning person!” she said never.) I need time to psych myself out of bed, then a mini-prayer time, shower and get breakfast on the table before I wake the kids. Instead, I had to hobble to the kitchen blurry eyed and half asleep. Thankfully my amazing hubby helped me out and got ready extra fast so he could drop the kids off at school for me before he left for work.

So the first thing I am grateful for is my sweet man who makes allowances for my flaws, who shows me his love in so many countless ways and who still looks at me the same way he did 15 years ago. You can’t ask for much more than that!

Second, I am thankful for the weekend we had together. It was a busy one since we had school commitments that ate up most of our weekend hours but on Sunday afternoon we were free and we went to our parish’s annual fiesta. There was a kids’ carnival, Mariachi music, delicious food and craft booths galore. - 31 Days of Gratitude 2015(31_days15_day5)I am grateful to see my boys so happy and playful. I am grateful for the sound of their giggles and the brightness of their smiles. You can’t put a price on that.

Later in the evening while everyone rested from the fun afternoon, Bella asked to help her set up hew new blog. Awwww. Following in her mama’s footsteps. Sniff. But on a more serious note, it is a tricky situation because there are so many crazies out there. We’ve had discussion about social media, what she is allowed (and not allowed) to post and view. I have full access to her phone, all her passwords and monitor her activity regularly.

It’s not that I don’t trust her, it’s just that I know how easy it is to get sucked into things that are not good for the soul. So I’m praying extra hard to guidance and wisdom to help her navigate the online waters so she can share her creativity safely. (Is there a patron saint of the internet??) - irm_blogB

Here is a peek at her blog Bella’s Corner of the Web. πŸ™‚

I am grateful for my sweet girl, her loving heart, her bright smile and her creativity. She is a beautiful soul.

So today my sucky morning has turned into a contented morning as I think about how grateful I am for my gem of a husband and my sweet kids. I will try to hold onto those thoughts when they get home and fill the house with noise and mess. That is minor in comparison with the love that comes with it. πŸ™‚

What are you especially thankful for today?

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰